Bangalore > Security Systems & Devices Dealers > Total Solutions Incorporation

ਟੋਟਲ ਸੋਲਿਊਸ਼ਨਸ ਇਂਕੋਰਪੋਰੈਸ਼ਨ  Owner Verified Listing

Security Systems & Devices Dealers
 08041255556, 08041155747
101, 10ਟੀ.ਏਚ. ਕ੍ਰਾਸ, 11ਟੀ.ਏਚ. ਮੇਨ, ਏਚ.ਏ.ਏਲ. 2ਏਨ.ਡੀ. ਸਟੇਜ, ਇਂਦੀਰਾ ਨਗਰ, ਬੈਂਗਲੋਰ - 560008, Karnataka
ਨਿਅਰ ਇਂਦੀਰਾ ਨਗਰ ਕਲਬ


Rental: ਨੋ
Interior Decorator: ਨੋ
Repairs & Services: ਨੋ
Sales: ਯੈਸ
Segment: ਕਮਰਸ਼ਲ, ਕੋਰਪੋਰੇਟ, ਰੈਜਿਡੈਨਸ਼ਲ
Credit Cards Accepted: ਨੋ
Interior Designer: ਯੈਸ
Type: ਕਮਰਸ਼ਲ, ਰੈਜਿਡੈਨਸ਼ਲ
cash, credit card
Products: ਫੈਲਸੀ ਸੀਲਿਂਗ, ਪੇਂਟਿਂਗ, ਪਾਰਟਿਸ਼ਨਸ
Products: ਅਕਸੈਸ ਕਂਟ੍ਰੋਲ, ਅਲਾਰਮਸ, ਬੂਮ ਬੈਰਿਅਰ, ਕਸਟਵ, ਫਾਇਰ ਅਲਾਰਮ ਸਿਸਟਮ, ਫਾਇਰ ਏਕਸ਼ਤੀਁਗੁਈਸ਼ੇਰਸ, ਮੇਟਲ ਡਿਟੈਕਟਰ, ਪੀ.ਏ. ਸਿਸਟਮ, ਸੇਨਸੋਰਮੈਟਿਕ ਸਿਸਟਮ, ਟ੍ਰੈਫਿਕ ਮੈਨੇਜਮੈਂਟ ਸਿਸਟਮ, ਵਿਡਿਯੋ ਫੋਨਸ, ਵਿਜਿਟਰਸ ਮੈਨੇਜਮੈਂਟ

Business Description

Total solutions Inc. is south-India's largest provider of electronic security and surveillance products. Their services include providing the most sophisticated security systems, access controls and CCTV products to corporations, banks and small businesses. They provide various kinds of security products like smart card, thumb scanner, CCTV cameras, DVR, door contacts, smoke/motion detectors, fire alarm, etc. Apart from selling quality products, their team of experts also install these security products. With top-quality security products at best prices, and superb after-sales service, leading companies have chosen Total Solutions Inc as their security provider.


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