Bangalore > Doctor > Dr. Umesh Jalihal

ਡਾਕਟਰ. ਉਮੈਸ਼ ਜਲਿਹਲ

748, 5ਟੀ.ਏਚ. ਮੇਨ, 2ਏਨ.ਡੀ. ਸਟੇਜ, ਡਬਲਿਊ.ਸੀ.ਆਰ., ਨਾਗਪੁਰ ਮੇਨ ਰੋਡ, ਮਹਾਲਕਸ਼ਮੀਪੁਰਮ, ਬੈਂਗਲੋਰ - 560086, Karnataka
ਬਿਟਵੀਨ ਮੋਦੀ ਹਾਸਪਿਟਲ


Not Practicing: ਨੋ
Credit Cards Accepted: ਨੋ
Specialization: ਗਸਤ੍ਰੋਏਁਤੇਰੋਲੋਗਿਆ
Clinic: ਕਰਨਤਕਾ ਗਸਤ੍ਰੋਏਁਤੇਰੋਲੋਗਿਆ ਸੇਂਟਰ
Specialization Other: ਏਨ.ਏ.
Veterinarian: ਨੋ
cash, credit card


User Reviews

Dr.Umesh is busy treating his private patients i belive he has no time to attend his patients at Ramaiah hospitals. My brother is suffering due to stomach infection but there has not been any progress past 3 days .Dr.Umesh is least botherd to even visit him . I think Ramaiah hospital management has to take serious action towards this irresponsible doctor.
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