ਬੀ.ਏਸ.ਆਰ. ਬਿਲਡਰਸ

Real Estate Builders & Developers
16, ਕਰਵ ਰੋਡ, ਕਵੀਂਸ ਰੋਡ, ਬੈਂਗਲੋਰ - 560051, Karnataka
ਬਿਸਾਇਡ ਸਿਂਗਾਪੁਰ ਅਅਰਲਾਇਨਸ ਅਫਿਸ


Services: ਸੇਲ ਪਰਚੇਸ
Segment: ਅਫਿਸ ਸਪੇਸ, ਰੈਜਿਡੈਨਸ਼ਲ ਅਪਾਰਟਮੈਂਟ
Credit Cards Accepted: ਨੋ
cash, credit card


User Reviews

many people lost TV, washing machines and other equipment due to poor electrical work, other than the accidents due to living in a half constructed apartment.

just visit BSR splendor park and ask any flat owner and you will get a much worse feedback and the trauma we are going thru everyday dealing with this builder to deliver on atleast the basics.

bottomline, dont even think of buying a flat from BSR.

Dont even think of buying any flat from this builder. They really dont know how to construct houses nor understand how to treat customers. construction is done with a couple masons and no educated people or engineers are involved in any activity. same with electrical, plumbing works. electrical/civil/plumbing work quality is pathetic to say the least. the delivery was already delayed by 6 months with no penalty paid and after another 6 months and half occupancy the construction is still incomplete. more over the construction guys swindle money from you for even the most minute changes and mostly dont cooperate to make any customisations, and if at all done, its at unrealistic costs. they cheat on quantities, materials etc and literally l ... View More
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