Delhi-NCR > Restaurant > Tamil Nadu Bhawan Canteen

ਤਮਿਲ ਨਾਡੁ ਭਾਵਨ ਕੈਂਟੀਨ

 01124193470, 01124501897
9, ਤੀਕੇਁਦੇਰ ਜੀਤ ਮਰਗ, ਚਾਣਕਿਆ ਪੁਰੀ, ਦਿੱਲੀ - 110021
ਅਪੋਜਿਟ ਚਾਣਕਿਆ ਥਿਏਟਰ


cash, food coupon, credit card
Catering: ਨੋ
Home Delivery: ਨੋ
Amenities: ਨਾਟ ਅਵੈਲੇਬਲ
Valet Parking: ਨੋ
Alcohol: ਨੋ
Cuisine: ਮਲਟੀ-ਕੂਸਿਨ਽ , ਸਾਉਥ ਇਂਡਿਅਨ
Veg/Non-Veg: ਨਨ-ਵੈਜ
Food coupons accepted: ਨੋ
Credit Cards Accepted: ਨੋ
AC,Non AC: ਨਨ ਏ.ਸੀ.
Editor's Note
Tamil Nadu House Canteen: Sip hot filter coffee and choose from a wide variety of south Indian snacks and dishes. This is one of those old school canteens that take you down memory lane. The decor is minimalistic with the same old metal tables and chairs from decades ago but cleaner and in much better condition. The waiters are all polite and courteous Tamilians that will happily make suggestions for your meal. The filter coffee here is one of the best and the snacks are freshly prepared from home like recipes. Opt for hot Idlis, Vadas, Dosas and Uttapams.


User Reviews

on 12.09.2012 I went for lunch. In the dining hall few inmates were taking lunch. In the morning we have to place the order for lunch and dinner. Option for non-veg given and placed order. However, the steward available in the dinning hall offered the chicken meal to other inmates which was reserved for us. Dinning guest who visited at that openly informs that he will offer the amount for the chicken meal. However,on enquiry the steward named "appu" who was on duty did not serve food instead he said no chicken was avaialble and left the dinning hall. After few minutes temporary steward came to the hall served veg. food. After due verification the above "appu" entered the dinning hall and raised voice he said there was no order for yo ... View More
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