ਏਮ ਸਕਵੈਰ

Computer Peripherals & Accessories Dealers
 01244106401, 01244106402
ਬੀ-133, ਡੀ.ਏਲ.ਏਫ. ਸਿਟੀ ਫੇਜ 4, ਗੁੜਗਾਁਵ - 122001, Haryana
ਇਨ ਸੁਪਰ ਮਾਰਟ-1


Products: ਡਸਕਟਾਪ, ਲੈਪਟਾਪ
Networking Equipment: ਏਨ.ਏ.
Used Laptops: ਨੋ
Products: ਪ੍ਰਿਂਟਰਸ, ਸਕੈਨਰ
Brands: ਏਚ.ਪੀ., ਕੇਨਨ ਅਂਡ ਇਪਸਨ
Brands: ਅਕਰ , ਅਪਲ , ਡੈਲ , ਏਚ.ਪੀ. , ਲਿਨੋਵੋ , ਸਮਪੈਕ ਅਂਡ ਸੈਮਸਂਗ
Products: ਅਂਟਿਵਾਇਰਸ ਅਂਡ ਇਂਟਰਨੈਟ ਸਿਕਿਊਰਿਟੀ
Type: ਏ.ਏਮ.ਸੀ., ਡੇਟਾ ਰਿਕਵਰੀ, ਡਸਕਟਾਪ, ਲੈਪਟਾਪ


User Reviews

i registered for hp printer buyback program, the hp site gave me the above dealers name and address ( which was an incomplete address , i had to google them ). they have listed 4 telephone numbers.. the two landlines are not working anymore and the two mobile numbers are wrong numbers.
very bad after sales service, they cheat taxes by giving fake bills. I brought a router from the shop and they gave me a fake bill, accidently my router got dead after 2 months and when i took my router there to Mshop they first avoided me and then after my 4 visits to the shop, they took it for replacement and gave me 3 days time to collect it from the shop. Today its 17 days over and router is still not with them. Many reasons they give me: 1. they needed original bill so we will first give them the original bill and then they will replace. asked me of the date of purchase and the amount. 2. they told me that the adaptor was dead and router is ok. so they wanted me to visit the next day. 3. they told me that its the problem wi ... View More
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