Delhi-NCR > Hotel > King Castle Hotel Resort

ਕਿਂਗ ਕੈਸਲ ਹੋਟੈਲ ਰੇਸੋਰਟ

 01242561114, 01242561115, 0124951242561113
ਏਫ-9/14, ਡੀ.ਏਲ.ਏਫ. ਫੇਜ 1, ਗੁੜਗਾਁਵ - 122001, Haryana
ਨਿਅਰ ਅਰਜੁਨ ਮਰਗ ਗੇਟ-11


Access from Airport: 15 ਕੇਮਿਸ
Tariff: ਰੁਪੀਸ 3001 ਟੁ ਰੁਪੀਸ 4000
Category: 3 ਸਟਾਰ
Room Amenities: ਇਂਟਰਨੈਟ ਅਕਸੇਸ
Room Amenities: ਕੇਬਲ ਟੀ.ਵੀ., ਇਂਟਰਨੈਟ ਅਕਸੇਸ
Checkout: 12 ਨੂਨ
Government Approved: ਯੈਸ
Resort Amenities: 24 ਆਵਰਜ ਇਨ ਰੂਮ ਡਿਨਾਇਂਗ
Access from Bus Station: 35 ਕੇਮਿਸ
Access from Railway Station: 30 ਕੇਮਿਸ
Total Rooms: 40 ਰੂਮਜ
Hotel Amenities: 12ਏਚ.ਆਰ.ਏਸ. ਇਨ-ਰੂਮ ਡਿਨਾਇਂਗ, ਬਾਰ/ਪਬ, ਕਾਫੀ ਸ਼ਾਪ, ਜੀਮ, ਰੇਸਟ੍ਰਾਂਟ, ਟ੍ਰੈਵਲ ਡੈਸਕ
Editor's Note
King Castle Hotel Resort: A two-star hotel which provides easy and comfortable accommodation. This hotel has over 40 well appointed rooms with all necessary facilities. The restaurant is multi cuisine with a menu comprising Chinese, Indian and Continental dishes. The hotel also has a fully equipped conference and meeting room. A spacious banquet hall provides a good place for parties and other events. There is even a small library, a games room and a gymnasium.


ਹਾਲੀਆ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ

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