Delhi-NCR > School > Colonel's Central Academy

ਕਰਨਲਸ ਸੈਂਟਰਲ ਅਕੈਡੈਮੀ

 01242330098, 01242331264
ਅਰਬੇਨ ਇਸਟੇਟ, ਗੁੜਗਾਁਵ ਸੇਕਟਰ 4, ਗੁੜਗਾਁਵ - 122001, Haryana
ਨਿਅਰ ਡੋਮਿਨੋਸ ਪਿੱਜ਼ਾ


Medium: ਇਂਗਲਿਸ਼
Credit Cards Accepted: ਨੋ
Gender: ਸੋ-ਏਡ
Boarding: ਨੋ
Board: ਸੈਂਟਰਲ
cash, credit card
Level: ਹਾਇਅਰ ਸੈਕਂਡਰੀ, ਹਾਇ ਸਕੂਲ, ਪ੍ਰਿ ਪ੍ਰਾਇਮਰੀ, ਪ੍ਰਾਇਮਰੀ
Editor's Note
CCA School: 25 years of experience in the education sector with an emphasis on discipline and values. Started in the year 1981, Colonels Central Academy (CCA) is a seasoned center for good education. CCA is managed by Scientific Educational Advancement Society (SEAS) and has a student teacher ratio of 1:30, which means one highly skilled teacher aids 30 students. Classes are from Kindergarten to XIIth and all courses are offered. CCA is also equipped with an auditorium, play fields with a 200M track, cricket field and sports like Volleyball, Basketball and Table Tennis etc. The computer and science labs are commendable too.


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