ਮੋਬਾਇਲ ਪਲੇਨੈਟ

Cellphone Showroom
 01125528221, 01165454508, 01125516853
9-7-ਏ, ਡਿਸਟ੍ਰਿਕਟ ਸੇਂਟਰ, ਜਨਕਪੁਰੀ, ਦਿੱਲੀ - 110058
ਅਪੋਜਿਟ ਟ੍ਰੈਨਸਪੋਰਟ ਅਥਰਿਟੀ ਬਿਲਡਿਂਗ


Payment Point: ਨੋ
Brand Outlet: ਨੋ
Prepaid Sim card outlet: ਯੈਸ
Accessories: ਯੈਸ
Dealer: ਯੈਸ
Accessories & Parts: ਯੈਸ
Credit Cards Accepted: ਮਾਸਟਰਕਾਰਡ, ਵਿਜਾ, ਵਿਜਾ ਇਲੈਕਟ੍ਰਾਨ
Brands: ਅਪਲ-ਆਈਫੋਨ, ਬਲਾਕਬੈਰੀ, ਏਚਟੀਸੀ, ਕਾਰਬਨ, ਏਲ.ਜੀ., ਮੋਟੋਰੋਲਾ, ਨੋਕਿਆ, ਓਨਿਡਾ, ਸੈਮਸਂਗ, ਵਿਡਿਓਕਾਨ, ਸਨੀ
Brands: ਅਅਰਟੈਲ, ਰੈਲਾਇਨਸ, ਸਪੀਕ, ਟਾਟਾ ਇਂਡਿਕੋਮ, ਵੋਡਾਫੋਨ
Brands: ਅਪਲ-ਆਈਫੋਨ, ਬਲਾਕਬੈਰੀ, ਕਾਰਬਨ, ਏਲ.ਜੀ., ਮੋਟੋਰੋਲਾ, ਨੋਕਿਆ, ਸੈਮਸਂਗ, ਸਪੀਕ, ਵਿਡਿਓਕਾਨ, ਸਨੀ
cash, credit card


User Reviews

Pathetic Rude and disgusting owner and staff. Robbers and cons these guys are. Don't buy from these people ever. Don't reach out to them for any support. The worst kind of shopkeeper. Sold me a faulty piece and then took no responsibility to replace or fix it
This is how new companies without proper startup plan cheats the innocent clients. I recently purchased a new Dell AERO Mobile. Within the same day I found some problems with the handset and after the interaction with dell associates they thankfully agreed to replace my handset. At the time of purchased the Dealer Mobile Planet at district center janakpuri told me that they have tied up with a company who is also offering a 2 years insurance plans for all the handsets and which will be paid serice for 1000 Indian ruppes. I purchased this handset saving a lot of money from my salary so I thought it would be a great deal to go for insurance. I purchased the insurance which turn out to be my nightmare. The insurance was from a c ... View More
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