ਪਿਰਮਿਡ ਏਜੁਕੇਸ਼ਨ

Computer Education & Training Centre
ਸੀ-17ਬੀ, ਸਸੀ ਗਾਰਡੇਨ, ਸਟ੍ਰੀਟ-3, ਮਯੁਰ ਵਿਹਾਰ ਫੇਜ 1, ਦਿੱਲੀ - 110091
ਨਿਅਰ ਮਾਰੂਤਿ ਸਰਵਿਸ ਸੇਂਟਰ


Training For Individuals: ਯੈਸ
Courses Offered: ਸੀ, ਸੀ++, ਜਾਵਾ
Placement: ਨੋ
Training For Corporates: ਯੈਸ


User Reviews

Personal guidance i got from this institute was a great help in clearing my BCA IGNOU papers.

One of the unique institute providing wide range of core computer science subjects coaching. I got some of my MCA paper coaching at this institute and scored pretty good marks.

I appreciate pyramid's faculty support and guidance.

Amit Ahuja,

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