Delhi-NCR > Doctor > Dr. Arvind Garg

ਡਾਕਟਰ. ਅਰਵਿਂਦ ਗਰਗ

ਸੀ-17, ਸੇਕਟਰ 19 - ਨੋਇਡਾ, ਨੋਇਡਾ - 201301, Uttar Pradesh
ਅਪੋਜਿਟ ਡਿਸਟ੍ਰਿਕਟ ਮੈਜਿਸਟ੍ਰੇਟ ਹਾਉਸ


Not Practicing: ਨੋ
Credit Cards Accepted: ਨੋ
Specialization: ਪਿਡਿਇਟ੍ਰਿਕਸ (ਚਾਇਲਡ ਸਪੈਸ਼ਲਿਸਟਸ)
Clinic: ਯੈਸ
Specialization Other: ਨੋ
Veterinarian: ਨੋ
cash, credit card


User Reviews

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It was so unfortunate to meet Dr.Garg. How can he suggest antibiotics with steroids n nebuliser for a cold n cough treatment n that too to a girl of 9 years.further I was pressurised to get a chest X-ray n haematogram from a nearby hospital.
I shud not say but he made me feel in two visits as if my daughter is suffering from a fatal disease.he was not worth the consultation charges rs.600. I would not even like to rate such a doctor .Remember Dr. Garg u r not almighty n please do not worry about my daughter....I will make her fit. Readers I must clarify that within 5 days I got the above treatment from mr garg who happens to be in the panel of Apollo hospital.... GOD SAVE US ALL....

It was so unfortunate to meet Dr. Garg...I must say..just for cold n cough I was suggested chest X-ray , haematogram, for my 9 yr old daughter n above all Antibiotic n steroids as medicines n not to miss a nebuliser at last.

A huge round of applause of such a doc....remember that ur not almighty ..... U will have to pay for ur deeds.... How much greed u people have to earn money..... Please draw a line somewhere as u deal with kids.

We are very happy parents and fortunate that we live so near to Dr. Garg as he so nice, humble and perfect in his advices. I would like to thank him.
Last Wednesday My cute daughter was having very high fewer so doctor(Ankur Chawala) ask me for some test and told me please come with report next day. When I was there at next day he was not there but his senior was there when with confirmation reception person go inside his cabin instead of studying report in detail he told me that as you have not paid anything so you have to wait although at same time my daughter was having fever more than 102 F.
This is no one but famous Dr. Arvind garg at Apollo Hospital, Noida
He doesn't know how to talk to 1st time mums. his way of putting injection to our kid was also not proper. His way was very rough while handling our kid, he is more interested in earning lots of money rather than giving sincere service. I dont know why Apollo has put him in their panel.
i met Dr. Garg 7 yrs back when my kid was 1 yr old, and i lke his idea of less of medicines and more of preventions and oral remedies

ਹਾਲੀਆ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ

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