Delhi-NCR > Restaurant > Saleem's Restaurant

ਸਲੀਮਸ ਰੇਸਟ੍ਰਾਂਟ

 01246579923, 01246579926
144-ਪੀ, ਏਚ.ਯੂ.ਡੀ.ਏ. ਕਮਰਸ਼ਲ ਕਾਮਪਲੈਕਸ, ਸੇਕਟਰ 56 - ਗੁੜਗਾਁਵ, ਗੁੜਗਾਁਵ - 122001, Haryana
ਇਨ ਏਚ.ਯੂ.ਡੀ.ਏ. ਕਮਰਸ਼ਲ ਕਾਮਪਲੈਕਸ


cash, food coupon, credit card
Catering: ਨੋ
Home Delivery: ਯੈਸ
Home Delivery Radius: 10 ਕੇਮਿਸ
Amenities: ਨਾਟ ਅਵੈਲੇਬਲ
Valet Parking: ਨੋ
Alcohol: ਨੋ
Cuisine: ਮੁਘਲਾਇ
Veg/Non-Veg: ਨਨ-ਵੈਜ
Food coupons accepted: ਨੋ
Credit Cards Accepted: ਯੈਸ
AC,Non AC: ਨਨ ਏ.ਸੀ.


Editor's Note
Saleems Restaurant: Veterans of Tandoori cooking, Saleems offers hearty kebabs, tikkas, curries and soft naans. Saleems is plain yet inviting, warm, delicious and very efficient. They have been making tandoori food for generations and the recipes are a family secret. The food is akin to dhaba fare but with more variety. The must haves include the Kakori Kebab, Burra Kebab, Tandoori Mushroom and the silken Reshmi tikka. For the main course order there is a wide array of dals, curries and vegetables that can be ordered with over a dozen types of rotis.


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