ਇਟ ਪਾਠਸ਼ਾਲਾ

IT Companies
ਏਚ-110, ਸੇਕਟਰ 63 ਨੋਇਡਾ, ਨੋਇਡਾ - 201301, Uttar Pradesh
ਬਿਹਾਇਂਡ ਹਲਦੀਰਾਮਸ


Training For Individuals: Yes
Placement: Yes
Credit Cards Accepted: No
Training For Corporates: Yes
Segment: Corporate, Personal
Courses Offered: .Net Technology, Animation & Multimedia, Dot Net, Embedded System, ERP, Hardware & Networking, IBM Mainframes, J2EE, Java, Oracle, PHP, SAP, SAS, Web Technologies, SQL, HMTL
Products & Services: Software Development, Mobile Application Development, Software Testing
Services: Design, Development, Domain Registration, e-Commerce, Hosting, Logo Design


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