Kolkata > Restaurant > Golden City

ਗੋਲਡੈਨ ਸਿਟੀ

ਬਲਾਕ-ਏਫ.ਡੀ.30ਏ/2, ਸੇਕਟਰ-3, ਬਿਧਾਨ ਨਗਰ (ਸਾਲਟ ਲੇਕ), ਕੋਲਕਾਤਾ - 700106, West Bengal
ਨਿਅਰ 11 ਨਮਬਰ ਵਾਟਰ ਟੈਂਕ


cash, food coupon, credit card
Amenities: ਨਾਟ ਅਵੈਲੇਬਲ
Alcohol: ਯੈਸ
Parking: ਫ੍ਰੀ
Catering: ਨੋ
Home Delivery: ਯੈਸ
Valet Parking: ਨੋ
Cuisine: ਚਾਇਨਿਜ
Veg/Non-Veg: ਨਨ-ਵੈਜ
Food coupons accepted: ਨੋ
Credit Cards Accepted: ਯੈਸ
Amenities: ਅਦਰ
Entry: ਫ੍ਰੀ
AC,Non AC: ਏ.ਸੀ.
cash, credit card
Credit Cards Accepted: ਮਾਸਟਰਕਾਰਡ, ਵਿਜਾ, ਵਿਜਾ ਇਲੈਕਟ੍ਰਾਨ


User Reviews

Typos regretted:

Starts - (read) Starters
Men - (Read) Main

Largely unknown and surprisingly underrated but this is one of the best in Chinese cuisine in Kolkata. Run by a Chinese family this restaurant serves one of the best chow-min along with some excellent starts & men courses in prawn, lamb, chicken & pork.

Must try is their mixed chow-min. The freshness of the ingredients and subtle treatment of the dish made me a big fan of this place.

Strongly recommended.

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