ਨਿਮਬਸ ਟੇਕਨੋਲਾਜੀਸ

Computer Hardware Dealers
 03322317712, 03322317713-4
36/ਏ, ਬੈਂਟਿਂਕ ਸਟ੍ਰੀਟ, ਏਸਪਲੇਨੈਡ, ਕੋਲਕਾਤਾ - 700069, West Bengal
ਨਿਅਰ ਏਸਪਲੇਨੈਡ ਮੇਟ੍ਰੋ ਸਟੇਸ਼ਨ


Products: Desktop, Laptop
Networking Equipment: NA
Used Laptops: No
Brands: HP, Canon, Logitech
Brands: Acer , Dell , HP , Lenovo , Sony
Products: Consumables & Cartridges, Keyboard, LCD Monitors, Mouse, Printer, Scanner


User Reviews

Extremely poor service....Dont go by the website...The people out there are nerds....
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