ਸੀ.ਏਮ.ਸੀ. ਅਕੈਡੈਮੀ

Computer Education & Training Centre
ਸਂਕਰੈਲ, ਹਾਉੜਾ, ਕੋਲਕਾਤਾ - 711101, West Bengal
ਨਿਅਰ ਖਾ ਪਰਾ ਬਸ ਸਟਾਪ


Training For Individuals: Yes
Placement: Yes
Credit Cards Accepted: No
Training For Corporates: Yes
Courses Offered: .Net Technology, Animation & Multimedia, Dot Net, Embedded System, ERP, Hardware & Networking, IBM Mainframes, J2EE, Java, Oracle, PHP, SAP, SAS, Web Technologies

Other Branches of CMC Academy

Beside BSNL Exchange Office
Bhupendra Bose Avenue, Kolkata
Near Vardhan Market
Park Street, Kolkata
Near VIP Hotel
Park Street, Kolkata


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