Mumbai > Hospital > KKasturi Medicare Private Limited

ਕੇਕਸਤੁਰੀ ਮੇਡਿਕੇਰ ਪ੍ਰਾਇਵੇਟ ਲਿਮਿਟੇਡ

 02228147676, 02228147677
ਗਓਂਦੇਵੀ ਰੋਡ, ਹਰਸ਼ਨੀਕੇਤਨ, ਭਯਂਦਰ ਵੇਸਟ, ਥਾਣੇ - 401101, Maharashtra
ਬਿਹਾਇਂਡ ਨਵਰਂਗ ਹੋਟਲ


Specialization: ਕਾਰਡਿਇਲੋਗਿਸਟ, ਦਿਇਬੇਤੋਲੋਗੀਸਤ, ਜੈਨਰਲ ਸਰਜਨ, ਓਰਦੋਪੇਡਿਕ ਸਰਜਨ, ਈ.ਏਨ.ਟੀ. ਸਰਜਨ, ਪੇਡਿਇਟ੍ਰਿਸ਼ਨ, ਗੀਨੇਕੋਲੋਗਿਸਟ, ਨੇਫ੍ਰੋਲੋਗੀਸਤ, ਹੋਮਿਯੋਪੈਥੀਕ ਕਂਸਲਟੇਂਟ, ਡੇਰਮੈਟੋਲੋਗਿਸਟ, ਸਾਇਕਿਇਟ੍ਰਿਸਟ, ਨਿਊਰੋਲੋਗਿਸਟ, ਅਰੋਲੋਗਿਸਟ, ਨਿਊਰੋਸਰਜਨ, ਪਲਾਸਟਿਕ ਸਰਜਨ, ਗਸਤ੍ਰੋਏਁਤੇਰੋਲੋਗੀਸਤ, ਫੀਜਿਇਦੇਰੈਪਿਸਟ, ਡਾਇਟਿਟਿਇਨ


User Reviews

One of the worst hospitals. Doctor doesn't know what he is doing. For a fracture at the wrist, the doctor plastered the hand, admitted the patient and without any surgery, raised a bill of 21k. Ridiculous!! Worst patient rooms are charged at RS.1750 and doctor makes a visit charge of Rs.900...even though the patient has not been operated. Doctors are clueless about the treatment. Suggested a steel plate to be inserted at KKasturi Hospital. Decided to show my mother to another hospital where the professional orthopedic surgeon treated my mother with just insertion of a steel wire..and the total cost of surgery including staying in a hospital costed Rs.7000. Beware of being treated at KKasturi.. worst hospital, worst facility and the most ... View More
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