Mumbai > Gym > Intensity Gym And Spa

ਇਂਟੈਨਸਿਟੀ ਜੀਮ ਅਂਡ ਸਪਾ

381, ਪਰਮੈਸ਼ਵਰ ਭਵਨ, ਖਰ ਜੀਮਖਾਨਾ ਲੇਨ, 14ਟੀ.ਏਚ. ਰੋਡ, ਖਰ ਵੇਸਟ, ਮੁਂਬਈ - 400052, Maharashtra
ਬਿਸਾਇਡ ਵਮੀਨੀ


Services: ਕਾਰਡਿਯੋ
Editor's Note
Intensity Gym And Spa: A great place to shape up for a better life, make you extra fit and to gain additional energy required to cope up with the stress and strain of daily grind. They have a wide variety of classes, including their newest addition, shadow boxing. This speciality class has members training like boxers, with athletic drills and boot camp routines. If that level of intensity isnt for you, they also have cycling, yoga, aerobic step, and even a few dance classes. The USP of course is the spa that affords body massages, steam and sauna.


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