ਪਲੇਨੈਟ ਏਮ

Audio & Video Shop
30/1, ਗੁਰੂ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦ ਨਗਰ, ਧਂਕਾਵਦੀ, ਪੀ.ਏਮ.ਸੀ. - 411043, Maharashtra
ਅਪੋਜਿਟ ਏੱਲੋਰਾ ਪੈਲੇਸ


Accessories: ਯੈਸ
Credit Cards Accepted: ਮਾਸਟਰਕਾਰਡ, ਵਿਜਾ, ਵਿਜਾ ਇਲੈਕਟ੍ਰਾਨ
Brands: ਫਲਾਇ, ਏਲ.ਜੀ., ਮੋਟੋਰੋਲਾ, ਨੋਕਿਆ, ਸੈਮਸਂਗ, ਸਨੀ ਏਰਿਕਸਨ, ਵਰਜਿਨ, ਮਾਸਰਬਰ
cash, credit card


Other Branches of Planet M

Below West Side
Camp, Pune
Near Chapekar Chowk
Chinchwad, Pune
Near Reliance Mart
Fatima Nagar, Pune
Beside Maruthi Driving School
Paud Road, Pune
Opposite Girija Hotel
Sinhagad Road, Pune


*Content on this page is crowdsourced. AskLaila will not be liable for any claims made, or for the authenticity of the information displayed.