Pune > Rehabilitation Centre > Smile Counselling Centre

ਸਮਾਇਲ ਕਾਉਨਸਲਿਂਗ ਸੇਂਟਰ

Rehabilitation Centre
797, ਪਤੇ ਕਲਾੱਸਿਕ ਅਪਾਰਟਮੇਂਟ, ਗਡ਼ਗਿਲ ਸਟ੍ਰੀਟ, ਸਦਾਸ਼ਿਵ ਪੇਠ, ਪੀ.ਏਮ.ਸੀ. - 411030, Maharashtra
ਨਿਅਰ ਲਕਸ਼ਮੀ ਕਰਪਾ ਹਾਲ


Services: ਕਾਉਨਸਲਿਂਗ ਬਿਹੈਵਿਅਰ, ਸਟਡੀ, ਇਮੋਸ਼ਨਸ, ਮੈਰਿਟੈਲ ਕਾਉਨਸਲਿਂਗ, ਪਰਸਨਲ ਪ੍ਰਾਬਲਮਸ, ਡਿਪ੍ਰੈਸ਼ਨ ਕਾਉਨਸਲਿਂਗ, ਮੈਮੋਰੀ ਕੋਂਕੇਂਟ੍ਰੈਸ਼ਨ, ਅਂਗਰ, ਲੋ ਕਾਸਟ ਅਂਡ ਸ਼ਿਐਰ ਰਿਜਲਟਸ, ਪੈਰੇਂਟਿਂਗ, ਸਟਰਸ ਮੈਨੇਜਮੈਂਟ


User Reviews

My expirence about the centre is not good. Mrs Sangeeta is okay in counselling, but very money minded, we had been there for overcoming out from depression but more attention is given only on other activities like excersize, pranayam, yoga, shavasan etc and writting work eg. writting 25-30 points daily on positive thinking. Out of 60minutes, 40minutes are given for all these activities only, which patient can do at home. Rs.500/-are charged per Sessions cost. If Mrs Sangeeta takes some extra 15-20 minutes, she charges extra. Initialy they will promise they will use some good tactices/ theoropies. but later you find yourself doing only excersize, and the balnace 15 min out 1 hr will be counselling in routine way only wat are partents or we ... View More
This centre is one of the well known ,reliable and fast developing counselling centres in Pune city area. One gets a very patient hearing and Sangeeta madam offers very effective remedial solutions for various pesonal ,pre-marital,post-marital and children related problems.
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