Pune > Courier > United Freight Express

ਯੂਨਾਇਟੇਡ ਫ੍ਰੇਇਟ ਏਕਸਪ੍ਰੈਸ

01, ਮਂਗਲ ਪ੍ਰੈਸਟਿਜ, ਸੋਮਵਾਰ ਪੇਠ, ਪੀ.ਏਮ.ਸੀ. - 411011, Maharashtra
ਨਿਅਰ ਰਾਜਧਾਨੀ ਹੋਟਲ


Services: ਅਅਰ, ਸੀ
Tracking: ਈਮੇਲ, ਅਨਲਾਇਨ, ਏਸ.ਏਮ.ਏਸ.
Credit Cards Accepted: ਨੋ
Segment: ਇਂਟਰਨੈਸ਼ਨਲ
Distance: ਇਂਟਰਨੈਸ਼ਨਲ
cash, credit card
Services: ਡੋਰਸਟੈਪ ਪਿਕਪ, ਪੈਕਿਂਗ, ਪੋਡ ਅਨ ਡਿਮਾਂਡ


User Reviews

Very Very Pathetic Service . I think Its fraud company .
while Commitment they will commit you every think and latter no proper response and In customs clearance they will stuck you and ask for penalty. Very Bad experience , Will Not suggest any to take this service .
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