Delhi-NCR > Resort Offices > Holiday Inn Hotel And Resort

హాలిడే ఇన్ హోటల్‌ ఎండ్ రిజోర్ట్

రిసార్ట్ కార్యాలయాలు
 01123354779, 01123354572
ఎఫ్-14, కమ్పిటేంట్ హౌస్‌, కాన్నౌట్‌ ప్లేస్‌, దిల్లి - 110001
నియర్‌ పాలికా బజార్‌
చాట్ View Map


Room Amenities: Cable TV, Internet access
Resort Amenities: 24 hr In-Room dining, Bar/Pub, Business Centre, Clubs & Discotheques, Coffee shop, Conference rooms, Gym, Restaurant, sports facilities, Travel Desk, WI-FI connectivity
ఎడిటర్ యొక్క గమనిక
Holiday Inn: Holiday Inn Hotel is an established chain that assures quality in dining and accommodation. The Holiday Inn Hotel offers fine, luxurious rooms and world-class services. These services includecoffee maker, kitchenette, sauna and fitness centre. Theproximity of the HolidayInn Hotel to central places such asNehru Place, Pragati Maidan-International Trade Fair venue, Okhla & Noida Export Promotion Zone is beneficial to business travellers. Holiday Inn also has great in-house restaurants that serve up excellent fare.

సమీక్షను వ్రాయండి

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